Sunday 6 March 2016

Nowadays, it has become almost impossible to decide on what kind of décor you want to select for your house. With today’s advancements in technology, we have new appliances and ideas like staircase storage, which not only looks neat but saves space too. We’ve put together a list of things that every modern house or flats in Mumbai should have.
A portable cooler
Everyone knows that the summers in Mumbai can be unforgiving. Now, not everyone can afford to buy an air conditioner, and there are many people who don’t like the feeling of being in a confined room. So the next best thing to sort out your cooling needs is a portable cooler. This innovative device takes up  only one square foot of floor space, and not only cools the air in the room, but also filters it! It also performs as a humidifier on those hot, dry days.
A very fishy coffee table!
How about getting something really quirky for your living room, something that literally brings life to the room… How about something like an aquarium cum coffee table? This coffee table comes fully equipped with aquarium accessories and has a sturdy base made of teak wood. The glass panels are thick and resilient to most types of impacts; we wouldn’t recommend dropping a sledge-hammer on it though! The best part about this table is the fact that it is a sure shot conversation starter.
Anyone up for a game of Football?
One of the best additions to your house would certainly be a Foosball table, especially if you’re the kind of person who has friends over on a regular basis. Every 90s kid and F.R.I.E.N.D.S fans would love these fun machines, and can spend hours placing friendly bets on games. What’s even more amazing is the fact that you can even buy mini Foosball tables in the event that your home doesn’t permit you to keep a full sized one.

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